Fidelity HSA® 2023 Prior Year Contributions Campaign
Campaign details
What are the goals of this campaign?
Educate employees about the ability to retroactively contribute to their HSA. Through this campaign, we are seeking to 1) Raise awareness of the ability to retroactively contribute to your HSA and 2) Drive contributions for HSA accountholders who have not maxed out their 2023 contributions.
When will these communications be sent?
This email will be sent February 14, 2024 to those who align with the targeted criteria.
Who will receive this campaign?
Participants who have not maxed out their 2023 HSA Contributions. This campaign will include two e-mail versions, based on customer segmentation. These five distinct segments, grouped by similar attitudes and approaches to their spending, saving, investing, and orientation to seeking help, provide an additional dimension to more tangible elements like age and affluence.
What message is available?
The email message is targeted to different employee segmentation audiences.
for a sample email for the first email version (targeted towards Jugglers & Safeguarders) to make a 2023 contribution
for a sample email for the second email version (targeted to DIYers, Aspirers, & Collaborators) to make a 2023 contribution
Email will be distributed based on the following messaging hierarchy:
- Employee provided email
- Employer provided email
What is the call to action?
CTA: Make a one-time prior-year contribution to their HSA via NetBenefits or the Fidelity Health app