Financial Literacy Month

We know you’re invested in your employees’ well-being and success. That goes beyond perks and benefits—it includes encouraging them to be more confident with their money to help them make the most of it. Understanding money basics is key to making better-informed decisions and reaching both short- and long-term goals.

  • Over 50% of Americans admit to feeling overwhelmed by their personal finances1
  • Less than 45% of U.S. adults feel confident making financial decisions, because they lack prior knowledge2
  • 85% of adults who have the opportunity to take financial education courses and/or training from their employer end up doing so3

At Fidelity, we’re invested in helping people build a strong financial foundation so they can make progress on the things that matter most. Throughout Financial Literacy Month this April, we’ll feature tools that cover how to put a little aside for unexpected costs, workshops on saving and spending mindfully, and other resources for staying motivated and on target.

And, in celebration of America Saves Week (April 8–12), we’ve created a toolkit with how-to guides, videos, and more. These are designed with your employees in mind to help with making saving automatic, setting goals for major milestones, and improving credit.

Financial Literacy Month resources

Download and use the following Financial Literacy Month materials to help drive awareness and engagement with your employees.

America Saves Week resources (April 8–12)

Find what you need to help your employees save more and build stronger money skills.

After Financial Literacy Month, help your employees keep the momentum going with additional events and resources:

1. Encourage employees to take the Financial Wellness Checkup and access additional resources for achieving financial wellness.
2. Use the Smart Money toolkit to connect young employees to a weekly newsletter featuring tips and events for helping them to spend, save, and invest smarter.