Protect customer accounts

Choose passwords carefully, be alert for suspicious activity when using your online access, and avoid falling victim to cybercriminals.

How can you protect yourself?

Use strict password criteria

A tough password can be your first line of defense against someone trying to access one of your customer accounts.

Avoid predictable or easily guessed passwords.

This includes your date of birth, nickname, pet's nameā€”or your Social Security number, which is fairly easy for someone to obtain. Many sites will prevent you from using your SSN or date of birth as a password.

Don't reuse passwords.

Passwords can be difficult to remember, but if an unauthorized person can gain access to one of them, many more accounts for which you have the same login could be compromised.

Keep your passwords and reminders safe.

Treat your passwords as you would the key to your home. If you must write them down, keep them in a safe place or in a computer file with an unassuming filename. Consider using a password vault or password keeper application to help you remember your passwords.

Never provide your password in response to an email.

No reputable company will ever ask you for your username and password in an email. If you get such an email, it is likely a scam or phishing.

Take advantage of password recovery features.

Many websites ask you to keep a secret question on file in the event you forget your password or need to change it. Some can send you a random code via text message to allow you to reset it.

Monitor customer accounts

With a little vigilance, you can detect and address suspicious activity before it affects your organization.

Review plan setup and transactions regularly.

You would know better than anyone if changes have been made that you did not initiate.

Set up automated transaction alerts.

You can use alerts to tell you when something is happening in your plan(s). Seeing these notifications may alert you of unusual activity.

Act quickly if you suspect fraud.

Contact a Fidelity support representative by calling 800-735-2862.

