Student Debt Retirement (SDR) Savings Match abandonment campaign toolkit

Campaign details

What is the goal of this campaign?

The primary goal of this two-touch email campaign to is notify and encourage participants who have begun SDR enrollment but have not yet completed enrolling in the benefit to complete their enrollment.

Who will receive this campaign?

Active employees who are eligible for the SDR benefit, have begun the enrollment process and have exited the flow without completing SDR enrollment will receive this campaign. Completing SDR enrollment removes participants from any subsequent touches and/or instances of this campaign.

What is the campaign structure and cadence?

This is a two-touch triggered, ongoing email campaign that will begin the week of 11 November 2024. Touch 1 is sent within 24 hours of a participant beginning and exiting the SDR enrollment flow without completing enrollment. Touch 2 is sent three (3) days after Touch 1.

What is the call to action?

Both touches will drive participants to the SDR enrollment page in NetBenefits. Please note that only eligible participants can view the SDR enrollment page.

Email will be distributed based on the following messaging hierarchy:

1. Employee-provided email

2. Employer-provided email

Email content and creative

Touch 1, first notification

Touch 2, second and final reminder

Other helpful links

Student Debt Retirement Savings Match PSW toolkit

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