Resources to help engage and protect your employees against cyber fraud

Cyber threats are everywhere, which is why it’s important to remind your employees about what it takes to keep themselves cyber safe. We can help. We’ve compiled a toolkit of resources you can share with your employees to help them stay vigilant and protect their accounts and personal information.

What’s in the toolkit:

5 Ways to Protect Yourself (OFT) This ready-to-send email highlights the top 5 ways your employees can protect their accounts and stay cyber safe
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Protect Your Accounts from Scams (OFT) This ready-to-send email provides ways your employees can try to protect themselves from scammers.
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Infographic Use this infographic as a screensaver or as signage for maximum flexibility.
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Cyber Says: Follow Security Recommendations (PDF) Share these practical and actionable top security recommendations with your employees.
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Cyber Says: Protect Elders and Vulnerable Adults (PDF) Promote these tips for protecting elders and vulnerable adults.
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Safeguard your digital life (PDF) Cybercriminals are targeting executives; share these best practices to help your executives protect themselves against fraud.
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Additional steps for improving security

When your employees keep their digital contact information (phone number and email address) up to date, they can access their accounts more securely from any device, at any time. And, Fidelity can quickly contact them in real time in case of fraud or high-risk transactions, such as profile changes and financial transactions.

Additionally, your employees can:

  • Enroll in Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security when logging in to NetBenefits®.
  • Encourage your employees to enable Fidelity MyVoice® to create a “voiceprint.” It’s a secure and convenient way to confirm their identity when calling Fidelity.

Employees can also provide or update their digital contact information online at NetBenefits. You can do your part as a plan sponsor and fiduciary by providing employee contact information to Fidelity. We offer you three convenient ways:

  • Upload information to the Plan Sponsor WebStation (PSW®).
  • Manually enter the information via PSW.
  • Use electronic data transmission (EDT).
Check out this guide for additional details on setting up digital contact information.

For more information about online account security best practices, visit the Fidelity Security Center. There, you can also find a wide variety of educational content and read our Customer Protection Guarantee.

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Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company LLC, 245 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210

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